Spotlight Movements

Spotlight Movements

Spotlight Movements
  • Get up off the Floor! (5 min)

    Being able to stand up off of the floor without using your hands is a valuable skill and a good measure of someone’s overall physical health. In this segment you’ll learn a few ways to develop the ability to do so safely and effectively.

  • Bracing Abdominals (8 min)

  • Upper Body Strengthening (10 min)

    Short on time? Stop. Drop. Pilates. Focusing on getting out of our shoulder slouch and building our upper body stability and strength

  • Feet, feet, feet! (11 min)

    Learn how to strengthen your feet and restore a healthy range of motion.

  • The Roll Up (8 min)

    Roll up is challenging for many. It occurs frequently in Pilates sessions and so learning how to perform it properly is essential. I offer a few modifications and techniques to get your rolling up smoothing and safely.

  • Back Extension (5 min)

    In under 5 minutes I give you some food for thought and ways to improve your back bending.
    Try this video.Your back will thank you.

  • Pistol Squat Breakdown PBW (12 min)

    We look at the joints that have to move well for a pistol squat to take place, the strength around those joints required and simple but effective ways to build up toward a full pistol squat.